Non-spherical particles in turbulence: recent advances in theory, simulation and experiments

16 July — 18 July 2025, Udine, Italy

Important dates and fees


Abstract submission will close on March 16, 2025

Notification of abstract acceptance: no later than March 31, 2025

Early-bird registration will open on January 31, 2025

Early-bird registration will close on May 31, 2025

Regular registration will open on June 1, 2025

Regular registration will close on July 15, 2025

Registration fees

Early-bird: 400 EUR (300 EUR for PhD students and post-docs)

Regular: 500 EUR (400 EUR for PhD students and post-docs)

Late/onsite: 750 EUR (600 EUR for PhD students and post-docs)

The fee includes: welcome reception, social dinner, pizza dinner, all lunches and coffee-breaks, conference material.